
my big butt whoop'n

Holy Cow! If you want to get your trash kicked, take a Zumba class! I thought I was going to die about 10 minutes into the class..... but you know what.... I'm still alive. I did it! I remember a yoga teacher telling me once that my body is more capable than I think I am. I had to remember that through out the entire miserable 60 minutes of this class. I wanted to pass out flat on the floor multiple times but somehow my body overpowered my weak doubts and pulled through. I also had to keep thinking of the real biggest losers that are 100+ more pounds than me and how Bob and Jillian never let them stop... you have to push through the pain! Honestly, without those 2 things running through my head, I think I would have quit. It was tough. There is no doubt in my mind that you will loose weight doing that class... no doubt! It works your entire body! I am pure jello.... it's fitting because I shake like it too Hee HEE!

(click on logo to go to their website)


why chubb?

doesn't that sound like you like the chubb? no... i don't like it but it's a funny word. the end.

So my biggest loser group starts on monday and i'm liv'n it up until then. not really but I do need a In-and-Out burger by then! I'm really excited for the group. I've randomly invited myself to it through a photographer friend that I know. Actually, we've never met but we've mingled so we are now friends ;P

You see... Utah is a skinny state. There are no fat people.... okay some, but not a lot. So i've been struggling to find a weight loss buddy... their aren't any. Everyone I know are all ready at least running marathons, half marathons, triathlons, 50 mile races.... seriously, it's a cool thing right now to be a runner. I'd love to be one of these people... honestly. How can you ask a friend that is all ready doing these things to train with you? You can't. it's a little lonely in that respect. i'm an outsider in a runners world. you feel like a poser when you go to the gym... heck, I feel like a poser when I walk through the mall, let alone the grocery store!

It's hard to look back and think that I was one of those people once.... how did I let myself get so lazy? Clothing size was a big thing to me in my skinny life. It still is. I am wearing larges... and sometimes extra larges... I remember thinking to my skinny self... "how could anyone get so large to have to wear these sizes". Well here I am... that person. suck.

Not for long though folks. I'm getting my old life back! I miss that person I used to be. It's crazy how much a little extra added weight can change person. I want her back, and i can have her back with a little hard work and by thinking of myself for once. HOO-RAW!